Sunday, August 24, 2008

Moving In

Moving into a house isn’t something you do over the course of a weekend. It takes weeks and even months. This is the task we have now set upon for the third time in three years. The kids especially enjoy visits to our storage so we can pick up new “treasures” in our boxes and bring them home. One advantage of not marking the boxes very well is the excitement of finding long forgotten momentos, toys and trinkets. I could name a few distinct disadvantages here but I’m focusing on the positive.

Well after the troubles with buying our house we are finally in and the very reasons that we wanted it in the first place are paying off. We liked the house for the neighborhood which was full of children, playsets and young families. The first day that the kids and I spent here they were gone for most of it playing with the neighbor kids. They just decided to go knock on their door to see if they could pet the dog. Turns out they have girls that are 6, 9 and 12. Two doors down from us are brothers that are 7 and 9. Currently one of Cole and Kaori’s favorite activities is to go and introduce themselves to the neighbors. Quite out of character for them. Lately the neighborhood kids have been coming out of the woodwork.

Mowed the lawn and it took me one and a half hours. That was just straight mowing time; no bagging. Definitely have to check out the riding lawn mower sales at the end of this season.

Cole is endeavoring to play tackle football this Fall. I didn't get to play tackle football until seventh grade. He's very excited and has his pants and jersey and helmet and everything. I'll definitely have pictures to post for that.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Vroom, vroom

I have now mowed two lawns since being back, my dad's and my brother/sister-in-law's. And I have two observations.

First of all, I didn't really miss mowing lawns. Not at all. Not a bit. Not in the least. Call me lazy. Yardwork isn't high on my list anyway, but then neither is housework or workwork. So it is something that I didn't really notice was gone but now that it's back I want it gone again.

Secondly, I seem to be out of top lawnmowing form. I've been smashing into things, running over stuff, barely able to keep up with the self-propelled lawnmowers, spilling gas on myself, etc. I guess this isn't a skill that gets lost over the winter months but definitely atrophies over 3 years. I'd go without it again though if I had the opportunity.