Tuesday, September 30, 2008

"I shall return."

Last weekend I was lucky enough to once again return to Japan and see some friends. On Friday I ran around the Imperial Palace with friends and then we went out to eat. Over the weekend I went to Murakami to participate in a triathlon. Unfortunately the sea was too angry to allow us to swim so it became a run/bike/run event. Still quite enjoyable.

I returned Monday to my family that I missed very much. Still I'd like to repeat the trip sometime. At left is a picture of my friend Chiba-san and me.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Cole's Football Picture

Cole enjoys being a football player. He likes wearing the uniform and having people watch him play. I'm sitting at all the practices for 2 hours. Go to all the games. Buy the snacks and drinks and drive him all around. Then when he finally grows up and gets on TV he'll probably say "Hi Mom!"

Friday, September 5, 2008

Of Weather and Health Clubs

Obviously one big difference between Tokyo and here this time of year is the weather. About now Tokyo is still experiencing 85 degrees from morning to night with an equal level of humidity. It generally stays the same all day. Last Tuesday I got up and it was 70 degrees at 6:30 AM; a pleasant day. The very next day was less than 50 at the same time. Did Fall fall that quickly? I mean I'll be the first to admit I'm a weather-wimp but let's have a little more gradual movement here.

Also in Tokyo the sun spends much of its day high up in the sky, relentlessly beating down on you from above. I had forgotten that here in the northern altitudes it tends to be low in the sky during morning and evening hours, providing little warmth while also serving to be a blinding light; quite effectively hiding any oncoming traffic. Soon it'll disappear over the southern horizon not to be seen again until Spring. Listen to me, sounds like I live in Northern Alaska.

When we were in Tokyo I would ride my bike the 2 or 3 miles to local pools to swim and consider it an easy trip without the hassle of riding and changing trains on the subway. Plus it was an easy way to get a few miles of training in on the bike. Well, here it seems I can't be bothered to ride even the 1.2 miles to the local health club. My excuses are that I needed to hurry to get back and pick up the kids, that I needed the time to continue to unpack stuff at home and that the road to the club has very narrow shoulders and it is scary to ride on. This last excuse has the added benefit of even being true. Anyway, I've vowed to do better in the future. As long as time, traffic and life permits anyway.