Friday, August 10, 2007

I ought to be in pictures

Last October I joined several members of my running club to run around the Yamanote line. That is a subway line that circles through Tokyo. Total distance, about 26 miles or 42 kilometers. Since I had run the Portland Marathon only 2 weeks before I only went halfway and then, conveniently, hopped on the subway for a ride home. Well at that time somebody else in the club who was a free lance writer (since moved back to Minnesota) brought a photographer along and did a story about us in The Japan Times. Only the foremost English language paper in Japan. So I got my picture in the paper. Just this last Wednesday, again they ran a picture of our run alongside another, unrelated story about exercise. So now the tally is:

Tokyo = 2 years = 2 pictures in the paper.
Minnesota = 10+ years = 0 pictures in the paper.


Anonymous said...

So did you get your picture in the paper as a guy in a running club who was riding the subway?
When was your first photo in a Japanese paper? Think I missed that one.

AZ said...

The first picture was when we originally ran around the Yamanote line. No subways, just running.