Thursday, February 14, 2008

An Early Start

It's 5:10 AM on Friday and I'm off to the movie studios. A rush of late emails and phone calls has gotten me into a couple scenes being filmed today. I'm hoping for a prominent role of maybe 10 seconds and not a "Don't call us, we'll call you." I'll update more later.


Anonymous said...

woo hoo!! This is an early day for was it torturing prisoners? Did you get a speaking part? Makeup? Your own trailer?
Will your name even be in the credits?

You will need to buy this so we can have a family screening when you are in the USA.

AZ said...

No speaking part, no makeup, no trailers. I did get a uniform though. Other extras had to get haircuts. I will get it when it comes out on DVD. Too bad that won't be for a year or so.