Monday, February 11, 2008

My Fifteen Minutes...

...or more likely fifteen seconds of fame. I recieved an email from the casting company saying that the dates of filming on February 23, 24 and 25th are now fixed. I've gone from being a prison guard to being a medical soldier. Also intriguing is this line in the email I received: "I’ll send you an English Script of the scenes, #42 & 50 later." What exactly does this mean? Will I have a line(s)? This is all moving too fast for me. Maybe I better hire an agent and negotiate some better terms. My wife is just aflitter with excitement for me.

You'll see my current countdown is for the Tokyo marathon. Unfortunately due to recent achilles' tendon problems I won't be able to participate in this event. Hopefully I'll be able to do the 10k that is run at the same time. Since it has been posted in my countdown I'll leave it there but you can be sure that I'm going to change that to my acting debut as soon as the marathon is over.

At first I thought the name of the movie was "I want to be Kai"; Kai being a common boy's name. However I've found out that kai = shellfish. So that's interesting. This movie was first made in 1958 and later adapted for television. Click here for more information.


Anonymous said...

I am having a hard time seeing Robyn all "aflitter" - I am pretty sure you made that up.

Anonymous said...

How does "I want to be a shellfish" translate into a story about a man who is on death row? Maybe they don't sentence shellfish to death in Japan.
I am thinking you will get the part of the prison guard to gets to feed him his last supper - practice saying "tako balls or corn soup - what'll you have?"
I don't think this sounds like a movie good enough to do a remake. Certainly not of "King Kong" stature...

AZ said...

Well, maybe "aflitter" is a bit strong but my creative writing teacher told me it was better than "excited".

I think the guy would rather be a shellfish than be a guy on death row. This is a famous, tragic story set in WWII according to my Japanese friend.

Anonymous said...

Well I hope that this whole acting thing works out for you because then you will actually have ajob instead of sitting at home.

AZ said...

Well if it isn't the first comment by Lil' Mac. Welcome to the blog. I don't just sit at home you know. Sometimes I have to go out and buy new shirts.