Friday, February 22, 2008

Take Two

Well, not quite yet. For the next three days I'm scheduled to go to the studios for filming. I'm not as much excited about these days though. First of all I found out I'm one of 45 foreigners that will be on set. I'm guessing I'll be more of a face in the crowd for these scenes. Secondly, now that I know it's wait, wait, wait, film, wait, wait, wait...I know that it gets a little boring. It's interesting to see for a couple days, but I think three days in a row will get a little long. Finally, they aren't even providing us lunch this time. The nerve.

I'll be sure to blog on the high/low lights.


Anonymous said...

Are you getting an actual pay check for this work or do you just get to add Prison Guard to your resume?
How do you know they aren't feeding you this time - did they run out of tako balls?

Anonymous said...

The way I see it, you won't even be recognizable in this scene unless you do something to distinguish yourself. Maybe you should put your finger up your nose, or turn your eyeballs inside out during the filming, albeit discreetly, so we can find you when we watch it.
If you can do something like that, they will definitely call you for the next movie if it's about special needs folks. Special Ed, that's you!

Anonymous said...

Did you get a new shirt for your role or are you wearing your 15 year old ones that you get free at your marathons? If you do that, we will know which one is you for sure. Forget about turning your eyeballs inside out.

AZ said...

Of course I'm actually getting a paycheck. You'd think they'd get my talent for free do you? Now not only do I get to add prison guard but I also get prosecutor/juror/courtroom person to my resume.

I get a whole army uniform. I'm trying to make myself as noticeable as possible. Is that why the director threw me out?