Thursday, July 10, 2008

First Observations

My first observations after being back in the U.S. for a week or so is that it is like I never left. It honestly feels like I'm living here like I always have been. That we lived in Japan for three years is just amazing to me; it went so fast.

Additionally when I got my haircut in Tokyo the stylists usually didn't try to make much small talk. That was good for me, I could just sit there and relax. I'm not much for talking just to talk. Like when the phone rings I don't want to answer it because I'm afraid somebody else will be on the other end. So when I recently got my hair cut here and the stylist was trying her darnedest to start up a conversation it was all lost on me. Which is more rude, to mutter monosyllabic responses or to come right out and tell them to save it because I'd rather not talk?


Anonymous said...

There is a reason you were nicknamed "Mr. Rudy" when you were a young lad. Perhaps you should hone up on your social skills now that you are back in the USofA.

AZ said...

Maybe if I only spoke in Japanese they'd quit talking to me.