Thursday, December 18, 2008

An Innocent Phone Call

That was all it started out with. Cole called his friend one day after school to see if he wanted to come over and play. His friend did but only after he was done checking out the presents under his Christmas tree. Cole got off the phone and told me that and then asked me why he couldn't look at his presents. I said he could, conjuring memories of the Christmas' in my youth, rearranging, sorting and shaking the presents all the while imagining the treasures I'd get.
Well, you can understand my surprise when Cole came waltzing into the kitchen minutes later saying "Look what Hiroo gave me!" I'm like all "!? You're not supposed to open the presents!" I hurried into the living room where Cole and Kaori had opened all their presents that were under the tree! Luckily there were only a few out there so there will still be surprises on Christmas morning.
Cole claims that "we just had a miscommunication."


Anonymous said...


AZ said...

Yeah, me too. ROTFLMAO

Anonymous said...

How can you look at your presents when they are wrapped in paper??? He just did what you told him he could do!!! LOL

AZ said...

No, presents are things that are all wrapped up and that's what he could look at. Not the present innards.

Anonymous said...

I've been watching for more of Kaori's pictures. Where are they?

Anonymous said...

This is no different than what you did, only sneakily, when you were a kid. You and your sister opened your presents and then swore each other to secrecy. Cole just doesn't have that sneakiness gene.

AZ said...

A. I'll get some of Kaori's drawings back in here. Cole is taking the drawing class too so I'll have his as well.

B. There is a difference but I agree, Cole is more innocent. I can't imagine Cole opening and rewrapping them. He's is too much by the book.