Yes it was an icy blast and we were even indoors. Cole and
Kaori were very excited and just a little nervous for their very first ice skating lesson. I think they've only been on skates one previous time each. Both seemed to quickly settle into the last place position in their respective groups. It seems that in Minnesota beginner ice skating means being only mildly proficient and I'm sure I'd wind up in the last place position if I were brave enough to join an adult beginner class.
I could only cringe and peek out over the top of my magazine when trying to watch
Kaori. Being the slowest and repeated falls brought tears to her eyes and longing looks to Robyn and me in the stands. Robyn continually gave her big smiles and "thumbs up" in hopeless attempts to cheer her from afar. I finally quit trying to watch, seeing her fall was just too much, and took my cue on how she was doing by Robyn's constant updates. Cole on the other hand was getting the hang of it and was able to skate back and forth across the ice with only minor incident.
Finally the lesson part of the session was over and just the practice, free skate part was left. Cole quickly went to the end of the rink and started skating while
Kaori was escorted to the door. I hustled over to give her a big hug and try to make her feel better. She just said "it was so hard!" through her tears. I told her how much of a trooper she was for always getting back up again and keeping at it. We watched Cole skate around and through the precariously balanced beginner skaters, back and forth, back and forth. Then a surprising thing happened, with Robyn's encouragement
Kaori got back out on the ice. She didn't go far but she did go. She'll be back again next week.
Today's post script is that
Kaori has a sore bottom from falling. This too shall pass.