Just some pictures this time. The top two pictures are Kaori's and the bottom two are Cole's. The tiger is laying beside a lake by the way. In the bottom picture you can see Hiroo with his new haircut. He's resting nicely after getting snipped last week.
Love the pictures! Want to see pictures of Hiroo drawn by Dodie and Cole.
How is Quasimodo doing?
I'm racking my brain here but for the life of me I can't figure out the Quasimodo reference.
Wasn't he a bell-ringer???????????
Okay, now I get it but it was definitely a stretch.
Even your nephew figured that one out. Maybe you should read more Hardy and less Dumas.
Oops, did I say Hardy. I surely meant Hugo.
I know the story of Quasimodo. Just didn't relate it to my dog.
The pictures are great. You have a couple of budding artists. I would like to see more pictures and less whining about shoveling and mowing. How was the Chess Tournament?
C'mon, I haven't whined for over a month now. Although we are supposed to get blizzarded tomorrow. I might have to whine about that one.
Apparently we have a majority in the vote for less whining and more pictures. This is America, majority rules.
We may live in America but blogland is a dictatorship ruled by the writer. Woo hoo, I win. You can make yourself heard though, keep the comments coming.
Another thing, you anonymous people are fraidy-cats.
Be careful not to bite the hands that write. Based on who comments on your blog, any identification requirement might make your blog pretty silent.
As ever,
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