It's that time of year again, art class has started up. It is kind of busy since it is on Thursdays after school; the same day the kids have soccer practice. But we only have to deal with that for one more week before soccer is over. The top two pictures are
Kaori's and the bottom one is Cole's. If we ever find Cole's picture of the pelican I'll post that one too.
Congratulations to Robyn as she ran another 5k last weekend. She finished in a time that was about 3 minutes faster than her previous personal best. I knew she had it in her; she wasn't so sure.
I continue to train for the Marine Corps marathon. I'm about ready to be done with that but don't want the race to be yet because I'm too nervous for it still.
Happy to see the drawings are back. I can't believe you are trying to make us choose between Cole and Kaori. Good thing I have two computers and can vote for both!!
Well, you couldn't possibly choose between them so I guess you would have to say that I smell nice.
No way am I picking one picture over the other. Both are great.
And you don't smell so nice either.
I've just been a little gassy lately.
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