Thursday, January 29, 2009

You might have noticed a new way to interact with this blog. It is the little votes you can do at the bottom of each post. Go ahead and rate that particular post. I still like the comments though so keep adding those. So far I understand you don't like my complaining about the weather and mowing the lawn. If I complain about something else is that okay? Maybe I'll find out. Also, just because you provide feedback doesn't mean I'll listen to it.

Speaking of reader interaction, the current poll votes so far only add up to 5. The previous poll which was about your new year's resolution had 10 votes. Something doesn't equate.

More drawings from Cole and Kaori soon; I promise.


Anonymous said...

If you find other things to complain about, I will be commenting: blah, blah, blah. Meh, meh, meh.
Consider whether you want to take up all that cyberspace with your whining and my blahing.

AZ said...

I tend to like comments no matter what they are. However, your complaining about my complaining is tiresome. Maybe now I know how you feel.

Anonymous said...

Ah, more complaining. Only this time about complainers, at least it is a new twist. Are we all suffering from mid-winter doldrums?
A new topic - how about that Super Bowl game????
Tony's childhood favorite Steelers win again.