Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Robyn and I ran in a turkey trot on Thanksgiving morning. It was a 5k run/walk. The highlights were that I won a cherry pie in a drawing (they had 350 to give away) and that Robyn ran another personal best in her time. She keeps getting faster.
Finally, an observation: we got our yard aerated this Fall. You know, when they take the little dirt plugs out of your yard so the soil isn't so compacted. Anyway, I'll not be doing that again as long as I have a dog to clean up after.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Christmas Lights
I'll not be complaining about this weeks weather as it offered me the opportunity today to put up Christmas lights wearing just a t-shirt (on top, of course my bottom was covered). Of course going through my mind the whole time was that somebody out there probably tracks injuries from ladder and roof falls this time of year. Actually my worst accident was backing into the outdoor coffee table that we had. Could have been bad though since it has a glass top but luckily it didn't break. Anyway I think I've fulfilled my precarious position on ladders and roofs quota for the season.
Oh yeah, nog has been out for a few weeks now. Did you know?
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Saturday, November 7, 2009
More Art Pictures
Monday, November 2, 2009
Happy Halloween
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Washington DC
A few pictures from our trip to Washington DC. We had a great time and saw a lot of monuments and memorials. Cole especially enjoyed the Air and Space museum where we saw the Spirit of St. Louis and the actual Wright Bros. plane. You know the one, it was the first manned flight. The Natural History Museum was way too crowded. We had a private tour of the Capitol which was nice.
I did enjoy the marathon, just enjoyed it a little longer than I wanted to.
One thing about Washington, there seems to be a severe lack of signage for driving and the subway. I swear, the Tokyo subway system is easier and more intuitive that Washington's and that's even for someone who doesn't read Japanese.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Art Class

Congratulations to Robyn as she ran another 5k last weekend. She finished in a time that was about 3 minutes faster than her previous personal best. I knew she had it in her; she wasn't so sure.
I continue to train for the Marine Corps marathon. I'm about ready to be done with that but don't want the race to be yet because I'm too nervous for it still.
Monday, September 14, 2009
A Good Weekend For Soccer
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
First Day of School
I have to add a completely unrelated note because I keep thinking I should blog about it but keep forgetting. Unless I remembered it once and actually did write about it and in that case you'll have to remind me. Anyway, here goes: when we moved into our new house we brought a bunch of stuff from storage. In that stuff the kids found my old, packed away gumball machine that I got for a gift when I was in college I think. It was filled with jawbreakers at that time. It still is. Except now they are getting eaten. Twenty years old and they are still good. You know what? All this sounds really familiar and I do think I wrote about it before.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Monday, August 17, 2009
A Brave New World
1) She has decided to sign up for soccer this Fall (did I already mention that?). This will be her first foray into the athletic world. It will be interesting to see how she does. I'm going to tell her to just be aggressive and go after the ball all the time.
2) Last Thursday a visit from Ellen and Kimmie took us to Valleyfair for the evening. While Kimmie and Cole became ride buddies and did all the big rides multiple times, Kaori decided she wanted to ride the wild thing. This is Valleyfair's biggest, baddest roller coaster. I was surprised she was tall enough to go. I was disappointed she picked me to ride with. I just wanted to see her after it was all done at the end but was scared of how it would be for her during the ride. After the first big drop she looked like she was going to cry and asked "how much longer do we have to do this?" Just a little bit I told her. When she was done I couldn't believe it when she said she wanted to do it again!
3) The training wheels have come off the bike. Now Kaori is truly riding a bike and is pushing for daily family bike rides. She also wants a new girl's bike as she has been riding a hand-me-down from Cole for the last year. I suppose she deserves one but it just makes much more sense to wait until her birthday next year.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Don't Wash Your Crocs

Tuesday, August 4, 2009
National Night Out

Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Last week Cole was in golf camp while Kaori was in girl scout camp. She rode a bus with friends to the camp that lasted all of Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. She was excited that she got to pet horses, sheep, chickens and other farm animals. They also did crafts, sang songs and cooked things. This week they are having fun in rock climbing camp.
Over the weekend we camped with our neighbors from our Savage neighborhood. At least we didn't get rained on but it was a bit chilly. We spent a lot of time driving back home because Cole also wanted to play in his baseball tournament. In the future I think we'll have to choose one or the other and stick with that. By the way Cole's team won their first two games but lost the next two and were out of the tournament.
Coming up this month: soccer camp, packing food for hungry children, getting together with friends from grad school, vacation at Wisconsin Dells and more...
Monday, July 13, 2009
Here it is... big screen debut. The first video is the full screen as seen in the theaters. Can you play "Where's Anthony?" The second video draws more attention to my positioning on the screen. Can you see me now? You might need to push pause and search the background.
Well, there it is. Long awaited I know but it was worth the wait for me, I hope for you too. Autographs upon request. Let the comments begin. Also, in the courtroom I was not smoking. They put a cigarette in front of me to make it look like I was though.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
A 5k And I Didn't Even Get To Run!
Robyn and Cole ran a 5k a couple weeks ago as I'm sure many of you already know (Robyn was so excited that she rushed home and sent out an email!). They did very well and were very proud of their performances. Cole was going to stick with Robyn the whole way but after a half mile into the race Robyn could tell she was holding him back. She told him he could go on ahead if he wanted and off he went. He ended up finishing about 10 minutes ahead of her. Robyn beat her time goal by about 5 minutes. Of course they were so happy with how they did that they have the running bug and can't wait to do another and we're all signed up for another one in a couple weeks. Yes, I'm running too because Cole wants to try and go even faster so I'm going to be his pacer. Results to follow.
And while we were waiting for them to finish Kaori and I hung out and played some of the games that they had set up for the kids. Then they brought out the hoola-hoops and that's all she wrote. Kaori picked one up and after she got started she didn't stop. People picked some more up and tried their best but just couldn't get the hang of it. They came and went and came back again and couldn't believe she was still going. They took pictures of the little hoola girl. She ended up going for 26 minutes!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Summer, summer, summertime!
Monday, June 1, 2009
A couple things...

Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Watashi Wa Kai Ni Naritai

Friday, May 8, 2009
Everything but Valleyfair
Friday, April 24, 2009
She's still very healthy despite being 15 years old. She's losing her hearing a little bit though and got a little overwhelmed by two kids and one puppy.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Sleepovers and April showers

Easter has come and gone and with it Spring break. Count at least one lesson learned as we approach the end of the school year and summer vacation. Sleepovers on two consecutive nights is too much for our kids to handle without surpassing the crabby threshold. One night is fine, no problem; but it is a good idea to get a full night's sleep the next night.
Right now my wife and daughter are out spraying off the driveway; cleaning the canvas for more chalk art. I guess they couldn't wait for the April showers.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Spring Break
Robyn continues to be a workout warrior since her vacation/retirement started last week. She is diligent (almost violent) about getting to her water aerobics class and follows that up with walking/weight lifting/elliptical/swimming. I think she is enjoying her new life. Maybe too much?
And now to the exploits of Hiroo. Last night he tried to bring in a chewed rabbit foot, Ewwww! This morning I had to go pick up the rest of the leg and it was big. What happened to the rest of it? Did he turn into a hunter or was he just a scavenger? Should I call the vet?
Monday, March 23, 2009
Thursday, March 19, 2009
What A Difference A Week Makes
Hiroo is getting trimmed today, I'll have to put up pictures of him. Also, after art class this afternoon I'll have a few pictures to post.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
An Icy Blast
I could only cringe and peek out over the top of my magazine when trying to watch Kaori. Being the slowest and repeated falls brought tears to her eyes and longing looks to Robyn and me in the stands. Robyn continually gave her big smiles and "thumbs up" in hopeless attempts to cheer her from afar. I finally quit trying to watch, seeing her fall was just too much, and took my cue on how she was doing by Robyn's constant updates. Cole on the other hand was getting the hang of it and was able to skate back and forth across the ice with only minor incident.
Finally the lesson part of the session was over and just the practice, free skate part was left. Cole quickly went to the end of the rink and started skating while Kaori was escorted to the door. I hustled over to give her a big hug and try to make her feel better. She just said "it was so hard!" through her tears. I told her how much of a trooper she was for always getting back up again and keeping at it. We watched Cole skate around and through the precariously balanced beginner skaters, back and forth, back and forth. Then a surprising thing happened, with Robyn's encouragement Kaori got back out on the ice. She didn't go far but she did go. She'll be back again next week.
Today's post script is that Kaori has a sore bottom from falling. This too shall pass.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Ice Fishing

Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Myrtle Beach Weekend
with an indoor waterpark. Plenty to keep us occupied even if they hadn't brought their Wii down (but we're glad they did).
Congratulations to John for finishing his first half marathon. He did a great job. Many thanks to our fans (read families) as they supported us on the course. Robyn, the experienced race watcher, knows the ins and outs of getting around a course for optimal athlete viewing.
As for my marathon, nobody was right in their prediction but that was because I didn't provide the correct time option. I finished in 3:19:56 which is a couple minutes slower than my personal best. I'm quite happy with this time because I was afraid I'd totally bomb and it would end up being a walking, four hour affair. I was able to qualify for the Boston marathon again and completed my first marathon without walking a step.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Myrtle Beach Marathon
So why am I telling you all this? Just letting you look through the window at the thoughts that are currently dominating my brain.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Speaking of reader interaction, the current poll votes so far only add up to 5. The previous poll which was about your new year's resolution had 10 votes. Something doesn't equate.
More drawings from Cole and Kaori soon; I promise.