Sunday, June 29, 2008

Homeward Bound

Well it couldn't be more true that the days are long but the years are short. It has been three very short years that went by in a flash and now as many of you might already know, we are moving back to the U.S. We will be leaving and arriving on Tuesday, July 1st.

So many things to think about, all the memories and places visited, the people and friends that we now have scattered all over the globe, looking forward to life in the U.S., what to do with this blog?, etc. When Robyn first started looking into a new position with Northwest back in the Twin Cities, we both said that either way it turned out we'd be disappointed. Sad but true, so it is a bittersweet ending for us. Makes me think the title of this post would more aptly be named "Leaving home to go home"

It will likely take the benefit of time and adjustment to life back in the U.S. to really provide perspective on our adventure here and what it has meant to us. A list of things I'll miss could go on forever and I would still leave out a few things that will likely pop into my mind at odd times during everyday life. First and foremost would have to be the people, my mom's siblings and their kids and my running club, Namban Rengo. It's always about the people.

As for this blog, well what will become of it? It was originally started as a way to keep everybody updated on our progress without having to send the same email to 12 different people. Life in Japan isn't something everybody readily knows about so this blog served as a small window to learn about it through my eyes. But I dare say all of my readers know about life in the U.S. Will the interest level still be there if it is just our family adventures and my writing? At that point it becomes just another blog on an already overcrowded internet. Please feel free to vote at left and give me your opinions and comments.

So another chapter in our life ends and a fresh, new one begins. What will it hold for us?

1 comment:

Amanda:) said...

Congratulations to Robyn and I wish you all the best on your move home.

I personally think you should keep the blog, as I'm sure all your new friends outside of the US can keep in touch with you and your family back in the US the same way that we here in the US have been able to keep in touch with you in Japan.

Best of luck with your move!